Why to Consider a Curved Treadmill

Why to Consider a Curved Treadmill

Before we begin this week's topic, you need to understand that a curved treadmill is a concave-shaped treadmill that is powered completely by your legs, as pictured above. Unlike traditional treadmills, it does not have a motor. It is typically more expensive than regular treadmills, which is why consumers elect to purchase a traditional treadmill over a curved one. As you read this singular point, you will understand one reason why a curved treadmill is a bit more costly.


Side note: Full disclosure about the curved treadmill in this brief reading. We proudly boast the 'pros' but we will not hide the potential 'cons' from you, either. 



     Studies uncovered that a curved treadmill offers an increased 30% calorie burn compared to traditional treadmills. They have 30% better oxygen consumption, 16% increased heart rate, and 2.5% increased cadence. A curved treadmill allows you to push your body in ways that motorized equipment, or even running on natural terrain, cannot.

     A curved treadmill does not offer a speed limit; the legs are responsible for propelling the rubber slats forward, which make it somewhat difficult for the user to maintain the exact speed that they'd like once they have increase their speed to a running pace. However, the SB Fitness Curved treadmills offer 8 resistance levels, which greatly help users overcome this issue and and sustain a comfortable pace. 

     More muscle activation is a compelling advantage. With its concave shape, a curved treadmill forces its user to innately lean their upper torso forward. Muscle activation in the quadriceps and hamstrings, especially are maximized with this treadmill option. This is significant because these muscle groups are not isolated nearly as well on a motorized treadmill. Speaking of concave shape, the shape of the treadmill and the rubber slats help absorb shocks of pounding from running and walking. This is why these treadmills appeal to seniors who struggle with joint health.

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